Education for All Somalia Coalition (EFASOM) is releasing call for proposal from external consultant to evaluate a 2-year education project that stated 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021. In partnership with Oxfam IBIS under GPE’s Education Out Loud Program, the project is being implemented in Somalia by EFASOM, the Education for All Somalia Coalition.. At end of the consultancy service, the Consultant will develop and share an inception report (detailed evaluation methodology, data collection tools) and inception meeting held.
Short-listed applicants will be invited to develop their ideas into full proposals and will be supported in this process through feedback given on their Expressions of Interest and through participation at specially convened workshops which will be delivered virtually if it is not possible to meet face-to-face. Proposals will be subject to a further round of review and feedback before funding decisions are finalised (see application process and timeline).