Invitation To Tender (ITB) For Constructing of GBV one stop center In, KABASA IDP Dolow.
ITB reference: 00923/ 2022
INVITATION TO TENDER (ITB) For Constructing of GBV one stop center In, KABASA IDP Dolow. SETTLEMENT, Doolow.
Human Development Concern-HDC is nonprofit organization and was established in 2005 as a local humanitarian organization dedicated in providing interventions through humanitarian and development initiatives in Somalia. Our key interventions cuts across the health programs, nutrition, protection, livelihood, and other cross cutting interventions.
Human Development Concern -HDC and expertise in working with displaced populations and committed in supporting Somali people, especially the most vulnerable and affected by the conflict, drought, and lack of basic services. We strive to deliver change for a better tomorrow.
HDC wishes to invite all interested and potential suppliers to download the tender documents from below link to submit their offer regarding the above-mentioned tender.
NO Descriptions
1 Constructing of GBV one stop center In, Kabasa IDP Dolow.
Selection Criteria:
Interested suppliers who wish to submit their proposal should meet the below listed requirements.
1. Valid Government registration documents
2. Copy of Local authority/Lower Juba region registration certificate.
3. Copy of company registration from ministry of public works federal or Jubaland state.
4. Copy of company registration from ministry of commerce and industries, Federal or Jubaland state.
5. Copy of tax compliance certificate from ministry of finance federal government or Jubaland state.
6. Proof of experience/ references (Copies of contracts/ POs/ completion certificates/ etc.)
7. Financial capacity - company updated bank statement for the last six months.
8. Delivery Time - (detailed Work schedule)
9. Updated and relevant Company profile
10. Fully Completed tender bid documents 1. (Section 5 – 9)
This tender is valid from 30th September 22to 10th October, 2022. interested bidders can download the tender documents from HERE or Below the
How to apply
All interested and eligible firms are requested to submit their offers by hand and not by email in sealed envelope to HDC doolow or Mogadishu Office – Safari apartments or , HDC doolow office next to Somali Power and lighting company , Doolow Luuq avenue .
Closing date for submitting the tender from 30th September 22to 10th October, 2022Local Time Somalia. All bids submitted after that date will be rejected.
Note that all bidders are required to sign a bid submission register upon submission. The register can only be signed by the company representative.
Enquiries need to be made in writing via email